Walk In Drive : Bengalore , Hyderabad , Delhi , Chennai , Mumbai , Kolkata ->Books : Let Us C (Yashavant P.Kanetkar) , Quantitative Aptittude(RS Agrawal) , Verbal Reasoning(RS Agrawal) , SQL

TCS Verbal Email Writing 2018

Q.1  As a member of a support team, You are asked for a night shift. You have some function at             home same day. Write an email to your lead that you are unavailable using below phrases -

Function - home - unavailable to serve - night shift - arrangement - morning - guest - work - rearrange - completed.

Dear Sir,
Hello Sir. I would like to inform that i am unavailable to serve the night shifton that day because we have function at home. So, i need to make necessary arrangements in the morning and also i need to invite guests for that function. So, will you please rearrange the work to me so that it will be completed within the limit. I will try to come night shift if so possible. Sorry sir, this will not be repeated again.

Thanks and Regards,

Yours Sincerely,
Team Member.

Q.2 As a member of your residential society, write an email to inspector of local Police station,            Mr.Sharma, informing him about miscreants who ride their bikes rashly every evening outside        your society. Sign the email as William.

residential area - ride - rashly - children - play - elderly - walk - grocery shop - across the road - dangerous - accidents - nuisance - action - immediately

Dear Sir,
I am from residential area. In my area many people ride rashly. It leads to stop children play cricket. The elderly persons may not walk in roads. People have problem with walking across the road to buy grocery shop. It leads to going across roads is dangerous accidents. It also leads to nuisance. So please take action immediately without descrimination. People who are not eligible to ride without traffic rules are not come to roads. Be polite and being human. Do not do anything worst. World be safe. 

thankas With regards.

Q.3  Write an e-mail to client to invite him to the party using the following phrases, with a minimum of 50 words and a maximum of 150 words. 

pleasure, mobile alerts project, Tuesday , eight pm , Hilton downtown ,dinner , meal constraint , successful project , celebrate , hard work, if any , looking forward.

Dear Client,
I feel so pleasure to say that our mobile alerts project has done successfully. It has become a successful project. It is time to celebrate. Our hard work never fails. So me and my team members have planned for a party. We wish you too join us in this party. We have planned to go out and have dinner on Tuesday at eight pm near Hilton downtown. But it is meal constraint. You can also come with your family if any. We are looking forward.
Thanks and regards,

Q.4  You are the project leader for a team and plan to take your team out for a movie. Using the following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70 words and a maximum of 100 words to your team members informing the same.

at your residence , decided based on the poll result , on friday , team building activity , forum mall , dinner at Hotel Chevron , will drop , answer the poll immediately , confirm your participation , company cab

Dear Team,
This is to inform you that we are planned to have trip on friday as part of team building activity. We are planned to go for a forum mall and watching a movie there, after that we play some games. Then we go for dinner at Hotel Chevron. This trip is decided based on the poll result. The interested one should answer the poll immediately and confirm your participation. If any one willing to participate company cab will drop you at your residence.
Thank you,
With best regards.

Q.5  Write an e-mail to request to conduct a training session for your associates using the following phrases, with a minimum of 50 words and a maximum of 150 words.
three weeks - belong to XYZ project - closer to office - reach Seattle this Saturday - duration of stay - book hotel - travelers cheque or cash - ensure port of departure is Chennai -prefer transit via Frankfurt.

Dear Sir,
I request you to conduct training session for our associates for three weeks who belong to XYZ project. The training area should me closer to office. So ensure that you reach Seattle this Saturday. The duration of stay is three weeks. We request you to book hotel and give travelers cheque or cash. So ensure port of departure is Chennai and prefer transit via Frankfurt. I am fine and good. Hope the same from you. I am preparing well and love music much.

With best regards,

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